Today was a rather normal day. Went to "work" and set up for a program there. I wasn't expecting there to be light snacks, but turns out there was actually quite a few things. Someone had given a tray full of Alfredo Pasta, a Chicken Sikh Kebob platter, and a tray of spiced and roasted potatoes. I did a pretty good job of avoiding everything, and yes, I accidentally skipped breakfast again. When it came to serve the potatoes, my eyes just glowed. They were those mini waxed potatoes that were roasted with spices and butter and then broiled til brown and caramelized. And I'm a sucker for roasted veggies.
I hate my self for this, but I had 4 of those. Yes, four mini golden wax potatoes. Oh god, the starchy goodness. It's going straight for the thighs (I hope not). I had realized what I'd done and decided to finish with a tall bottle of water. I then decided to call that brunch, as I had skipped breakfast and have eaten too much to have a lunch. Nonetheless, it was time to wrap up and go home. It was about 3:00pm when I arrived at my door step, and I had just remembered to grab the camera tri-pod from the car. I was going to do a short YouTube video - just for fun and to see how it goes. I took a quick shower and got dressed into my PJs and started filming my sketch. Done with the first 2 minutes and then, oooh look, the cat just walked in. And then, BANG.
The tripod had tipped over and the camera fell on it's lens on to a floor board. I got scared because it was a thousand dollar camera and it hasn't even been a year since I got it. I see that it's still turned on, which is a good sign. But then, when I twist the lens (for a full-frame or macro), it wouldn't move as it did before. It used to just glide, especially on manual focus, but now, it grinds - which means that I wont be able to do auto focus with those lenses anymore. :( Boohoo.
Friggin cat. No, I kid - it was my fault for not securing the tripod before letting go of it. In a way, I'm relived that it wasn't the camera body that got damaged. Anyways, I called it quits and decided to go grocery shopping, just like I said yesterday!
I walked into Al-Haramin, my favorite grocery store in the entire city to buy a few things. Number one on the list: lettuce. Personally, I hate ice-berg lettuce. Yeah its cheap, but it has a lot of the bitter white parts - which I HATE. I cant stand the bitterness. I wasn't a fan of romaine lettuce either because after separating the leaves, I would have to make a triangular cut on every leaf to get the nasty white bitter part out. Before, I used to give it to the bunny, but now I just throw it out. They didn't have my usual green leafy lettuce today. I loved those because it's mostly leaf and the stems (the white part) is really thin and small. So I had to get the romaine. Next: Minced Chicken (ground chicken). I wanted to make baked Kebobs and freeze them for everyday use. I would just need to reheat a few and add them to my salads or just eat them as is. As I was walking down the aisle to get to the butcher, I saw the cheese selection. Cheese has no carbs (low-carb too) but it's pretty fatty. However, this one brand of cheese caught my eye. Fat Free Cheese? Alrighty then. But I need something strong so I can use less of it. I ended up getting the sharp cheddar. Good choice! I also saw some mushrooms on sale, so I grabbed those too. I checked out, walked out the store, spending only a few dollars (I'm a smart shopper, hehe), and drove home.
It was time to mow the lawn. I guess it would cut down the carbs and calories from the potatoes I had at noon. I mowed the backyard and front yard and called it a day. I ended up going to and playing at a soccer game with a few of the local kids. I only played for 30 minutes as I wasn't in proper attire and was jiggling all over the place. I came home to start on my kebobs.
It was a bit more than a pound of chicken with some pre-sauteed onions, garlic, chili powder, cumin, coriander, sharp cheddar cheese, some lemon juice, Shan BBQ Sikh Kabob spice, salt and pepper. I started off my washing the minced chicken - I know I sound crazy for doing this, but in my family, we always do this with any meat, minced or not. I then dice half an onion and smash a few cloves of garlic. I take a nonstick skillet and start wilting the onions without any oil. A job well done. I add some garlic and a teaspoon of chili powder. The garlic started to carmalise and I wanted to deglaze before it starts burning. I added just a small splash of lemon juice and then transferred the onion mixture in the bowl. I give it a good mix and add all of the spices. I let it rest in the fridge for an hour and then make small little mini sausage sized rolls on a baking sheet. I baked them at 450F for about 20 minutes, until they're white with a few golden spots. It's chicken breast. White means cooked! Overcooking will make it tough, especially when you plan on reheating them.
I kept 3 and added them to a simple salad and froze the rest. I guess I did pretty good for today's diet. Oh well. Not much of an exciting day, I guess. Oh well. That's enough for tonight.
Another day awaits.
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