Thursday, June 9, 2011

Something That Bothers Me: Boaters!

Urggg. Don't you just hate it when a boater ruins everything for you? I've seen many boaters in my life, going through the transition of becoming Americanized. However, there are a few that I've seen that actually don't give a shit about themselves. Here's a good example. I once had this neighbor who was fresh from the Desh, completely new to the country. He spoke very minimal English, but we got along well as neighbors. A few weeks later, he stopped going to Language School, and joined a real Junior High.... *cough* Kosciusko Middle School*cough*. Ok, so he went there and made a few Yemeni American friends. And I could easily say that it wasnt the best idea to be friends with such idiots. He was strongly influenced by his friends. Now let me tell you something about his friends. They were as full of shit as a baboons ass! They tried to speak Black (no "racial" lol) and had a funny Yemeni accent.  They smoked ciggerettes, drove ugly ass Fords and Jeeps, and listened to Eminem, and whatever kind of Rap that was popular. I saw him again a month later in my backyard, and greeted him. Before, he used to say Salaam... now he says "Wassup Nig!". Shaking my fucking head! What the fuck! Then I see him go to his fathers blue Mercury, and play some rap music. He started bopping his head back'n forth. Aha. That really made me think. What happened to him?


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